About Us

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Our experienced dog trainers are from the UK they are committed to making a difference
and agree with ITSDOGS ethos of using training dogs to help improve animal welfare for
other animals. Many of our members have had over 30 years of experience in all aspects of
dog training from tracker dogs, working trials and article searching to highly motivational
training for recreational competitions like agility and flyball. We have dog behaviourists who
understand the psychology of what drives a dog to want to perform and gain rewards.
Our dog trainers give their time and experience free of charge and take no wages or fees for
their time or work. Where possible ITSDOGS will help with some travel expenses but we are
a ‘not for profit’ organisation and will explore the option of being a registered charity in the
We are always interested in hearing from other like minded dogs trainers who want to be
part of our exciting and unique development in using trained dog and training methods to
improve animal welfare.
